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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

03.05.24 Year 3 Weekly News

Let's see what we've been up to in Year 3...


English this week has had a character description focus. We have explored three, very different, characters from our text, The Great Chocoplot, and use similes, fronted adverbials and ambitious vocabulary to describe both their appearance and personality.

Next week, we will create a scrapbook-style journal for our main character, Jelly, using emotive language to detail her thoughts and feelings about the events in the book so far.


This week, we have explored 3D shapes and use the correct mathematical language to describe their properties (faces, edges and vertices). We also learnt about reflective symmetry and had a great time using mirrors to check how many lines of symmetry a range of 2D shapes have.

Next week, we will begin our measures unit, focusing on mass and capacity.

Thematic Curriculum

This week, we have looked at the Maya’s religion and beliefs about the world. The children listened to the ancient civilisation’s Creation Story and focused on Hun Hunahpu, the maize god, to create a fact file. We also learnt all about the Maya’s impressive number system and use of hieroglyphs.

Next week, we will explore the end of this ancient era and investigate how we know what we do about the Maya.


- Please read with your child at least 3 times a week.

- Children should be playing Times Tables Rockstars at least 3 times a week to build their confidence and fluency with times table knowledge.

- Children each have  a ZPD code to help them identify the correct books for their reading level. Once your child has read their book, they will need to complete a quiz on it before getting a new one. These quizzes can be done either in school or at home on Accelerated Reader using the log-in codes found in their reading records.

Welcome ( 

- Spelling shed and Mathletics homework has also been set for the children to complete by next Friday.

- The new Thematic Curriculum homework grid is attached to this blog post.


3B and 3G have swimming on Mondays this term and can come to school in PE kit.


Have a great weekend!

Year 3 team


Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393