Homework 07.01.2022 - British Sign Language
Language of the term for term 3 is British Sign Language. For homework this week, we would love you to learn some of the basics of British Sign Langauge, beginning with greetings (hello, goodbye, good morning etc). You'll probably already be familiar with some of these, but some will be new to you.
Greetings - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyicdRl3ULg
Looking for more? Want a challenge? Why not learn how to spell your name using the BSL alphabet
BSL alphabet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clPTV1wq8Jw
Don't worry if you don't have access to YouTube - use the PDF posters I've attached below.
We can't wait to see what you've learnt. We'll be using the greetings for the rest of the term for our morning and afternoon register - so be ready.