Weekly Update 23.9.22
Weekly Update 23.9.22
We have had a brilliant week again in Year 4.
In English, we finished 'Gregory Cool' and enjoyed researching Tobago in order to create their own non-chronological report.
In Maths, we have continued to practise our 6 times tables alongside further learning to deepen our understanding of Place Value. We have looked at how to compare numbers up to 10,000 on number lines and with manipulatives.
Our Topic learning has also begun and we've enjoyed learning about the mountain ranges of the UK.
Please continue to spend some time working on your KIRFs at home- remember we are aiming to know our multiplication and division facts for the 6 times table this term.
Home Learning:
This week we would like you to research another mountain range that is outside the UK. What interesting facts can you find?
MyMaths and Spelling Shed home learning will begin next week.
Have a great weekend!