Year 5 Weekly Update
We have had a super week in year 5!
Key Messages:
Homework starts from next week. We will also be sending the children home with their reading records and books. Please see the letter from Miss Scarr about our new Accelerated Reader scheme.
PE is on a Monday.
Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school every day.
This week we have been learning how to round numbers within a million. This is our KIRF (key instant recall fact) for term 1. Please see letter from Mr Kettle regarding this. It has some tips and tricks to support your child with their learning. We have now finished our place value unit and we are excited to be moving on to addition and subtraction!
This week we welcomed parents into our lesson on Friday to create and perform a poem with their child. It was amazing to see such enthusiasm from both parents and children and all the year 5 teachers thoroughly enjoyed hearing your incredible poems! The children have really engaged with poetry this week and are looking forward to continuing with our text "There's a boy in the girls' bathroom."
This week we have been continuing our topic all about 'Changes.' We have engaged in some exciting science experiments and looking forward to delving deeper into our science lessons next week when we will be looking at reversible and irreversible changes.
Have a great weekend everyone! Looking forward to another awesome week!
The Year 5 team