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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Weekly News and Looking Ahead

A week all about teeth!

This week in Year 4


This week we have been continuing our work on decimals. The focus has been on partitioning, ordering and comparing decimal numbers to hundredths ahead of moving on to learning how to calculate with money next week.  

Year four are making excellent progress with their times-tables ahead of the national MTC assessment in June and we will continue to work hard on this next week.  


Our English lessons this week have been all about writing like a scientist. We have extensively researched teeth as part of our learning in Science, and have used our English skills to produce non-chronological reports. Please ask the children to tell you all about this.

Afternoon Thematic Curriculum 

Our focus this week has been Science as we learned about the science of cleaning teeth and even got the chance to ask questions to a practising dentist.

We carried out a practical investigation into what makes toothpaste and invented and tested our own recipes. Many of us found that our recipe was better than the store brand at removing the stain from the tile, though I'm not sure that we'd win customers over with the taste. The classrooms smelt very minty!

Home Learning: 

This week we are asking you to practise your times tables by completing the pack we sent home. It is due back on Weds 7th JUNE (not July as was accidentally written on the front).

Next week:  

Monday 5th June is an INSET day, but we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 6th June for PSHE.

We will beginning our  Term 6 thematic curriculum 'Beautiful Broadstairs' in Week 2.

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393