Year 5 Weekly News - Friday 29.09.23
We have had a fabulous week in Year 5 this week. Take a look at what we have been up to…
This week's Kindness Cup winners are: 5B – Connor 5G – George 5R – Noah 5Y – Charlie
We are so proud of all of you for showing such kindness.
Key Messages:
- Monday is PE for all of Year 5. Please send the children in wearing their PE kit.
- Thursday is swimming for 5B and 5G. Please ensure that full swimming kit is brought in on that day. If your child cannot take part, please contact their teacher or the office to explain why.
- Reminder to ensure children are reading at home and bringing in their reading records daily.
- Please ensure children are wearing correct school uniform and shoes, including a tie.
- Please ensure children bring in their water bottles, preferably with a sports cap.
Weekly homework tasks:
Reading daily – please bring in your reading record signed by an adult.
TTRS at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes.
Spelling Shed - Friday to Friday
The children should now know their login details for our online homework platforms, which is the same for each website.
MyMaths is NO longer being set. We are awaiting the logins for our new platform - Mathletics
Termly Home Learning Task
This year, we will be setting just one homework task to be completed across the term that links with our Thematic Curriculum. There will be a selection of homework tasks to choose from but you are also free to do something else related to the topic. It would be great to see models brought in or photographs in books for anything that has been physically made. Other work can be completed in the book or printed and stuck in. We look forward to seeing what you come up with and details of this term’s task are below:
Check out some of the pieces we have had so far…
In English this week we have written from the perspective of different characters from our text ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’. The children used a range of ISPACE openers to make their writing sound more interesting and engaging for the reader. As we read through the book, we are learning more about the inner thoughts of Bradley, the protagonist, and his developing relationships with Jeff, Carla and the other children at Red Hill School.
Next week we will build on our understanding of Bradley and will write an inner monologue for him.
This week in maths we started our unit on addition and subtraction. Before using formal methods to calculate, we have been focusing on different mental strategies such as: round and adjust, make 10 and partitioning. We manipulated the numbers by making them 1,000 times bigger/ smaller to make the working out more straightforward.
Next week, we will begin using a formal column method to add and subtract and calculate missing digits. We will also explore some worded problems and those with multiple steps.
Thematic Curriculum:
This week our focus has been around the mountains and mountain ranges of North America and the UK. We looked at the main ranges and tallest mountains in the UK. Located the mountain ranges of North America on a map, adding interesting facts. We finished the week today by writing a non-chronological report exploring the similarities and differences between the mountains of North America and the UK. We found out that there are over 35,000 named mountains across the UK!
Next week we will shift our focus towards science by looking at the different life cycles of a range of animals.