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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 6 Weekly News: 07.06.24

Activity week for our Year 6’s has been a resounding success in every possible way. It has been a joy to spend this time with the children. Throughout the week, it has been incredible to see the children step out of their comfort zones and embrace new experiences. From the thrill of water sports at Canoe Wild to the physical challenges at Ninja Warriors and Boonies; each activity has allowed the children to develop new skills, build confidence, and foster teamwork; these experiences have enabled them to flourish in ways that we wouldn’t otherwise get to see within the confines of a classroom, highlighting their resilience, determination, and collaborative spirit.

Canoe Wild

We kick started the week at Canoe Wild, with our Year 6’s learning the skill of canoeing, kayaking and paddle boarding. Under the guidance of the instructors, our children quickly took to the water, learning the importance of synchronisation and communication when paddling together, and when working as a team. Paddle boarding, without doubt was a favourite for most, offering a mix of relation as well as excitement, as that children were challenged to position themselves in different ways when using the boards. After mastering the basics, the fun continued with a series of water games; from races to raft building, the competitive spirit was alive and well, accompanied by lots of laughter and lots of children getting very wet!





Ski centre

Our Year 6 activity week reached new heights of excitement as children embarked on a thrilling day of dry slope skiing, snowboarding, and tobogganing. The dry slope provided the perfect venue for children to experience the joys of winter sports without the need for snow. Our Year 6’s donned their ski boots and took to the slopes. For many, this was their first experience with skiing, and their eagerness to learn was truly commendable; they quickly grasped the basics of balance and movement, enabling them to confidently glide down the slope.

Next up was snowboarding, which brought a new set of challenges and skills. Children embraced the opportunity to learn something new, including stance, balance, and turning, helping children to gain confidence on their boards.

The day wouldn't have been complete without tobogganing; this activity brought out the childlike excitement in everyone, as children (and adults!) raced down the slope on their toboggans- the thrill of speed, made it an instant favourite!

Throughout the day, the children’s enthusiasm was infectious, as they practised and improved with each run down the slope. There were plenty of cheers, as they perfected their techniques and shared their successes with each other. Spending the day on the dry slope was a fantastic way for our Year 6’s to challenge themselves and enjoy a unique and exhilarating sport.



A day in London

Our Year 6 activity week reached new heights with an unforgettable trip to London. The bustling capital offered a wealth of experiences, and our children took full advantage with a Thames cruise, a ride on the London Eye, and a visit to the London Aquarium.

The adventure began with a scenic cruise along the River Thames. As the boat glided through the heart of the city, children and adults alike, marvelled at iconic landmarks. The informative commentary provided, offered fascinating insights into the history and significance of these famous sights, making the cruise both educational and entertaining. Everyone enjoyed the fresh air and panoramic views from the open deck, offering a unique perspective on the city and its rich heritage.

Next on the itinerary was the London Eye, one of the city's most popular attractions. Excitement was palpable as we boarded the giant observation wheel. As our capsules ascended, children were treated to breathtaking views of London’s skyline; the sight of the sprawling city below was awe-inspiring.

After eating lunch in the park, our final stop was the London Aquarium, where children delved into the mysteries of the underwater world. From the moment we entered, children were captivated by the vibrant displays of marine life; they encountered everything from colourful tropical fish to majestic sharks and graceful rays. Walking through the glass tunnel surrounded by water and marine creatures was a definite highlight, offering an immersive experience that left a lasting impression.



Ninja Warriors

On Thursday, our children tackled an action-packed day at Ninja Warriors; an exciting venue filled with obstacle courses and challenges designed to test their strength, agility, and teamwork. From climbing walls and rope swings, to balance beams and cargo nets; the variety of obstacles delivered excitement and physical activity. Some obstacles required sheer strength and stamina, while others needed careful strategy and balance. Every child had the chance to shine, finding their strengths and pushing their limits.


To conclude the week, our Year 6’s spent the day at Boonies, facing a variety of obstacle courses and challenges, including a military-style obstacle course. The day was filled with excitement, teamwork, and lots of mud! One of the highlights of the day was the military-style obstacle course. This challenging course included crawling under nets, scaling high walls, navigating through tunnels, and crossing monkey bars. Designed to mimic the rigorous training of military personnel, the course demanded strength, endurance, and mental toughness. Children embraced the challenge with courage and enthusiasm; it was remarkable to watch them support each other, offering encouragement and advice as they faced the toughest obstacles. The sense of camaraderie and teamwork was palpable, with each person contributing to the group's overall success. To end the day, the children tackled the eagerly anticipated mud slide. One by one, the children took their turn at the top of the slide, launching themselves down the muddy slope with cheers and laughter echoing in the air. The slide was a test of courage and an opportunity to let loose and embrace the messy fun- a fabulous way to end the day and end the week.


The children have truly challenged themselves during activity week. Whether it was mastering the intricacies of canoeing and paddle boarding, navigating the obstacles at Ninja Warriors, or tackling the military-style courses at Boonies, they have been absolute troopers. Their willingness to take on these challenges with enthusiasm and a positive attitude has been nothing short of inspiring. They have shown perseverance, courage, and a fantastic ability to support and encourage one another.

Our Year 6’s have been wonderful ambassadors for our school; it really has been heartening to see them embody our values, demonstrating teamwork, respect, and kindness in every situation. They have made us incredibly proud, and their conduct has been noted and appreciated by all the instructors and staff at the various venues we visited.

Thank you to our incredible Year 6 children and to all the adults involved, for making this week so special. Your energy, enthusiasm, and positive spirit have made this an unforgettable experience for everyone involved!

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393