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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 4 Weekly News - Friday 06.09.24

We have had a fabulous week in Year 4 this week and it has been great to have the children back in school. Take a look at what we have been up to…

Key Messages: for next week…

  • Tuesday is swimming for 4B and 4G. Please ensure that full swimming kit is brought in on that day. If your child cannot take part, please contact their teacher or the office to explain why.
  • Thursday is PE for all of Year 4. Please send the children in wearing their PE kit.
  • Children can come to school in their PE kit on swimming days.
  • Please ensure children are wearing correct school uniform and shoes, including a tie.
  • Please ensure children are bringing in their water bottles every day, preferably with a sports cap.

Weekly homework tasks: 

Reading daily – please bring in your reading record signed by an adult.

TTRS - at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes.

Mathletics – Friday to Friday

AR Quizzes – complete on Accelerated Reader once book is completed

Please note, Mathletics has a different login to AR and TTRS.


In English this week we wrote an explanation text about sound, which will be helpful for our afternoon sessions this term. We focused on the correct use of capital letters and full stops.

Next week we will be starting our new text and will write a letter from a character’s point of view.


This week in maths we started our unit on number and place value. We looked at 4-digit numbers and the value of the digits. We also ordered and compared 4-digit numbers.

Next week we will continue to compare 4-digit numbers and will add and subtract multiples of 100 and begin to round.

Thematic Curriculum:

This week during the afternoons, we focused on PSHE. We covered regulating our emotions, change and loss, as well as British Values and online safety.

Next week we will begin our new topic – Make Some Noise.

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393