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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

4.10.24 Year 6 Weekly News

This week in Year 6...


This week, the children have crafted excellent, persuasive speeches in role. They used their understanding of the character to create a speech convincing the islanders that Dooby should be the island’s leader.

On Thursday, we celebrated National Poetry Day. This year the theme was counting, and the children worked to create their own counting poems.



Next week we will plan and begin writing a narrative, weaving description, action and dialogue together.


This week we have explored factors and multiples and started our work on applying multiplication and division.

Next week, we will continue practising written methods of multiplication and division.


Thematic Curriculum

This week, we explored the grounds of Upton to answer the question: What living things can you find at Upton? The children became Charles Darwin’s apprentices and gathered and classified a host of living organisms found out and about.


Next week, we will visit the Powell Cotton Museum to explore their natural history collections.

Please note the reminders below:


Wednesday 9th October

6R and 6Y in full school uniform for trip

6B and 6G in PE kit

Thursday 10th October

6B and 6G in full school uniform for trip

6R and 6Y may wear yellow.

On the day of their trip, children should come in full uniform. Trainers are permitted as we will walk from the station to the train. Children will also need a packed lunch and a coat.



- Please read with your child at least 3 times a week.

- Children should be playing TTRS at least 3 times a week to build their confidence and fluency with times table knowledge.

- Children have been given a ZPD to help them identify the correct books for their reading level. Once your child has read their book, they will need to complete a quiz on it before getting a new one. These quizzes can be done either in school or at home on Accelerated Reader using the log-in codes found in their reading records.

Welcome ( 

- Mathletics homework has also been set for the children to complete by next Friday.

- Please see the homework menu attached for our thematic homework. This can be completed in the homework book provided if you wish.

-New for this year: Sir Linkalot

Access details:

To access it on a laptop, PC, Mac or Chromebook (therefore IWBs):

1. Type in the browser itself where you normally type www (not a search engine) (with no Ws before it)
2. Click on 'More' (top right)
3. Click on 'Sign in'
4. The access code is UJS2024

Year 6 have been working on the bundle Determined Duffy. All you need to do is watch the videos and explore the links!

Have a great weekend!

The Year 6 team



Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393