This week, the children began writing a newspaper report based on a key event from our class text. The children hot seated different characters from the story and recorded their responses to questions. They learnt how to write a 5W paragraph and how to intertwine speech into their reports. In SPAG, the children were learning about relative clauses and the -tious sound. Next week, the children are finishing their newspaper reports and beginning their internal monologues. They will write from the perspective of our main character, Magnus.
This week, the children have been converting fractions to decimals, ordering them on a number line and finding improper fractions and mixed numbers. Next week, the children will be ordering and comparing decimals, rounding decimals to one decimal place and also solving problems using fraction and dividing.
This week, the children visited Canterbury Cathedral to learn about its significance during Anglo-Saxon times. They dressed up and acted out events from that period and explored the cathedral. The children also got to participate in a number of activities in the learning centre. In thematic this week, the children researched Anglo-Saxon farms and then worked in groups to create their own. At the end of the week, we learnt about different job roles and the children designed and created a piece of jewellery out of clay. Next week, the children will be learning about the events at Sutton Hoo and writing a newspaper report to record them.
Sir Link Alot
This week, year 5 are recapping level 3 key words.
Wednesday 5th February- Matilda trip to Chatham and Clarendon
Monday 10th February- Museum and poetry recital
Wednesday 12th February- Visit to St Peters Church
- Please read with your child at least 3 times a week.
- All children have been given a ZPD to help them identify the correct books for their reading level. Once your child has read their book, they will need to complete a quiz on it before getting a new one. These quizzes can be done either in school or at home on Accelerated Reader using the log-in codes found in their reading records.