Year 6 Easter Cracked
Year 6 have again been invited, by the charity Fegans, to take part in an interactive workshop exploring the meaning of Easter. Click "Read more" for more information about this and the official letter!
The Easter Cracked event will take place at Queens Road Baptist Church. Two classes will be participating
in the workshops on each of the days listed below, please see below for more details:
Classes: 6R and 6Y will be leaving school at 12:45 pm on Tuesday 18th March
Classes: 6B and 6G will be leaving school at 12:45 pm on Wednesday 19th March
The children should return to school by 3:10 pm.
It was great fun last year and the children really benefited from thinking about the true meaning of Easter. It is again, going to be fun filled, interactive and end up with something to eat! Anything that is consumed will be nut free and vegetarian. Please inform the class teacher if your child has any allergies.
To be able to take the children we will also need some adult helpers, if you are able to help please return the slip attached below. Please note, we will not need consent to take your child on this trip because we are covered by the overall consent form.