Things to remember for the new academic year......
We would like to remind parents of a few things to make the start of the academic school year go smoothly:
Year 3 only begin school at 8:40 am on Tuesday 4th September, all other years start at 10:30 am (there is no breakfast club)
Afterschool Club starts back on Tuesday 4th September
Breakfast Club starts back on Wednesday 5th September at 7:45 am
The normal school day starts at 8:40 am and ends at 3:15 pm (from Wednesday 5th September onwards)
Don't forget to label your children's items clearly including but not limited to: shoes, bags, coats, PE Kits, ties, blazers etc
All children need their PE kits in school every day. Children should bring their PE kit into school at the beginning of each Term and keep it in their lockers.
B's & G's will swim in Term 1 and R's & Y's will swim in Term 2
3B & 3G - Wednesday in Term 1
4B & 4G - Thursday in Term 1
5B & 5G - Tuesday in Term 1
6B & 6G - Monday in Term 1
School dinners need to be paid for in advance via
My Child at School (MCAS) app will be our main source of communication with parents, please ensure you have the app downloaded onto your phone and ready to accept notifications (if you have any difficulties with this please contact the School Office)