Odds On Success for Charity at Upton
It was an odds on winner when Upton Juniors School in Broadstairs took part in its latest charity awareness event.
Children collectively put their best feet forward to recognise and support World Down’s Syndrome Day (March 21) by celebrating the importance of difference and being unique, and by wearing bright and bold odd socks to school.
The fabulous mismatched footwear made a sparkling show in classrooms and around the school backed up by the nationwide charity’s serious message – everyone is different in their own way.
The school’s Personal Development Leader Izzy Reed led an assembly that focused on stereotypes and understanding why it is important to get to know an individual before we judge them.
She said: “The children had lots of discussion about their similarities and differences throughout. We spoke about what Down’s syndrome means and how people with the genetic condition should be treated with respect.
“We were very lucky to have a parent visit and share more about people with Down’s syndrome. They even introduced a competition where pupils will write an account of their favourite example of kindness they have experienced, and the winner will receive an odd sock puppet and a £50 shopping voucher.
“This understanding and celebration of kindness links to our school values of Kindness and Respect and relates to our PSHE (personal, social, health and economic education) learning of relationships and inclusion.
Head of School Darci Arthur said: “Inclusivity, respecting diversity and celebrating difference are important parts of our children’s learning. This awareness day gave our pupils a strong insight into a genetic condition that affects around 47,000 people in the UK alone.”
The Downs Syndrome Association says: “Down’s syndrome is when you’re born with an extra chromosome. You usually get an extra chromosome by chance, because of a change in the sperm or egg before you’re born.
“People who have Down’s syndrome will have some level of learning disability. This means they’ll have a range of abilities. Some people will be more independent and do things like get a job. Other people might need more regular care.
“Like everyone, people who have Down’s syndrome have their own personalities, things they like and dislike, things that make them who they are.” For more information go online to www.downs-syndrome.org.uk.
Upton Junior School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Ramsgate Arts Primary and Chilton Primary School, Ramsgate.
For more information contact Head of School Darci Arthur on 01843 861393.