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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Moving to Secondary School

While it only seems like moments ago that your child was moving from infant school to start at Upton, the next stage of their education begins formally during Year 5 when you decide whether you want your child to take the Kent Test (often referred to as the 11+). Passing the Kent Test means your child is eligible to apply for a grammar school place. While the Kent Test itself takes place at the start of a new academic year, you must register your child's details in June. The website below links you to Kent Admissions and contains key information for this process, which is known as  P.E.S.E (Procedure for Entry to Secondary Education). 

Kent Local Authority Web Page for Kent Test - CLICK HERE

Key Dates for children starting secondary school in 2025:

Kent Test Day - Thursday 12th September

Results to Parents - 17th October

Secondary School Application Deadline - 31st October

National Offer Day - 3rd March 2025

School Place Acceptance Deadline - 17th March 2025

What does the Kent Test involve? 

The Kent Test involves a single day of testing during which children are tested in Maths; Reading Comprehension; and Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. The tests are multiple choice and very different to the style of tests traditionally used in schools. To pass the Kent Test in 2023, children needed a standardised score of 107 in all three tests AND a combined score of 332. The tests are standardised to take into account the exact ages of the each child and extra marks are given to children who are younger within their age groups. The link below explains how Kent Test standardisation works:

Children also produce a piece of free writing during the Kent Test, choosing from a range of given titles. This writing is only used if a child is taken to Headteacher's Appeal. If a child does not achieve the necessary scores on the tests, schools have the discretion to appeal on their behalf before the official results are published. The school send all relevant details of previous assessments, along with any mitigating circumstances and the child's work, to a panel of Headteachers, who determine whether this evidence this should over-rule their test score.

Does Upton Prepare Children Specifically for the Kent Test?

Schools are not allowed to tutor children specifically for the Kent Test. Schools that do this excessively can be dis-applied from the test. At Upton, we teach the National Curriculum and this will include aspects of Maths and Reading Comprehension. Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning, however, is not taught at school. 

My Child has Special Educational Needs - will they Receive Additional Time in the Kent Test?

Kent Local Authority judges each application individually. The SENCO from the school will determine whether your child meets the eligibility criteria but you should contact them directly to discuss this in May.

How do I formally Apply for my Child's Secondary School?

Kent Test results are returned to parents in October, at which point all parents must complete the Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF) for their child to apply for their preferred secondary school. Parents should list the schools they want their child to go to, in order of preference, on the SCAF and then submit it.  Parents have the right to appeal to any school they list on the SCAF and so if you are considering a grammar school appeal then you should include these schools on the SCAF (after your preferred high schools).

An example of a SCAF form can be found here:

Putting a school on your SCAF form does not automatically mean your child will receive a place there. Each secondary school has its own admissions criteria which your child will need to meet in order to be allocated a place. It is incredibly important that you look at the admissions criteria and over-subscription criteria for each of the schools you would like your child to attend to see how they meet it. If your child does not meet the admissions criteria for any of your preferred schools then the county will allocate your child a school not on your SCAF form.

Parents are informed of school allocations in March and have the option of accepting this place or appealing to another school – or both. School appeals are usually held from May onwards and can last into the summer in some cases.

Parents who are appealing for a grammar school (or for  a different high school) need to be able to prove that the school they are appealing to better suits the educational, social and emotional needs of your child. 

If you would like further information, please contact  Miss Arthur (Head of School) or Kent Admissions:

E-mail -

Phone - 03000 41 21 21

If you are in any doubt at all about whether your child will gain a place at your desired school, you can always contact the secondary school directly. Each school will have its own admissions officer who will be able to answer any queries you might have.

From September onwards, secondary schools will hold their  'Open Day' sessions to enable families to visit.  We strongly recommend parents take their child along to view as many schools options as possible.

The link below gives additional information about this process:

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393