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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

27.9.24 Year 6 Weekly News

This week in Year 6...


This week, the teachers have been blown away with Year 6’s efforts to craft character descriptions using the ‘show don’t tell’ technique. The children have really embraced the use of adventurous vocabulary and figurative language to capture the characters’ personalities and appearances.  

Next week we will ponder the question ‘Is Dooby a good leader?’ using evidence from the text.    


This week we completed our work on integers and decimals and have begun working on multiplication and division with a focus on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 100.  

Next week, we will recap formal written methods of multiplication and division.


Thematic Curriculum

This week, we got hands on with an exciting artefact box from the Powell Cotton Museum. We learnt all about the classification of living things and made our own classification keys.
















Next week, we will continue our work on classification with a focus on trees and flowering plants.



- Please read with your child at least 3 times a week.

- Children should be playing TTRS at least 3 times a week to build their confidence and fluency with times table knowledge.

- Children have been given a ZPD to help them identify the correct books for their reading level. Once your child has read their book, they will need to complete a quiz on it before getting a new one. These quizzes can be done either in school or at home on Accelerated Reader using the log-in codes found in their reading records.

Welcome ( 

- Mathletics homework has also been set for the children to complete by next Friday.

- Please see the homework menu attached for our thematic homework. This can be completed in the homework book provided if you wish.

Have a great weekend!

The Year 6 team


Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393