Mr Langridge recommends… “The Rook Trilogy” The Edge Chronicles” by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell
I love the work of these two authors. In every book, they create quirky, imaginative worlds in which to get lost in. I read this “Special Edition in One” from cover to cover, spellbound by the magical word of The Edge and its inhabitants. The illustrations are always top notch and help to transport you to a world of sky cities, palaces of statues, The Deepwoods and many other strange places
I would recommend this to children from 10 to 100!
Rook Barkwater lives beneath Undertown, the bustling city of the Edgeworld. He dreams of becoming a librarian knight and sets out on a perilous journey. ... Rook Barkwater lives beneath Undertown, the bustling city of the Edgeworld. He dreams of becoming a librarian knight and sets out on a perilous journey.