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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Y4 2021-22


Page 11

  • 18/09/20

    Meet the 3B Form Captains

    Meet our 3B form captains.
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  • 18/09/20

    Year 3's Writing is Out of This World!

    Year 3 adapt a classic game to write a set of instructions!
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  • 11/09/20

    A super first full week in 3R!

    3R's first full week at Upton!
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  • 11/09/20

    3G's First Week at Upton!

    This week, 3G started their Maths and English lessons. We have been looking at place value in our Maths lessons and have been reading 'The Very Dangerous Dinosaur' in English. We have designed and described our own dinosaurs and retold the story.  In the afternoon, we have been looki...
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  • 11/09/20

    Pablo comes to visit 3B

    This morning was filled with excitement when we met another member of the Upton family!
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  • 11/09/20

    Brilliant Writing in 3Y - Miss Bunce

    3Y have been describing their own dinosaurs. 
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  • 11/09/20

    My Maths Help...

    All the teachers have set My Maths home this week. 
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  • 06/09/20

    A fantastic start at Upton for 3R!

    3R have been super stars!
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  • 06/09/20

    An amazing start to life in 3B!

    What an amazing start to life at Upton!
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  • 06/09/20

    A Super Start for 3G!

    3G have all come to school with big smiles on their faces this week.
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Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393