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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Y4 2021-22


Page 6

  • 25/06/21

    3P - Mandarin Day!

    3P have had a great time on Mandarin Day.    We had special lessons speaking Mandarin from Mrs Denby, we have learnt some greetings and the numbers from 1-10   We painted the Chinese characters for the numbers - we found it much harder than writing our numbers!
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  • 21/06/21

    3P Poetry Performance

    Today, we learnt and practised the Boneyard Rap. We performed it in groups focusing on the pace, intonation and expression that we used. We have put our videos together and here is the finished video! Enjoy. 
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  • 15/06/21

    3P - Learning about Lines!

    In our maths this week, we have been learning about different types of lines. We have been using Whole Brain Teaching to help us remember the differences between them.  We are going to be using our new skills during our work on shape later in the week. 
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  • 11/06/21

    Our new English text

    Year 3 have started a new book in English, Cliffhanger by Jacqueline Wilson. 
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  • 09/06/21

    3P - Fair Trade Personal Development

    As a welcome back to school on Monday, we spent the day learning about fair trade and how the decisions we make about the products we buy can have an impact on families who live thousands of miles away.  We created our own lego farms. Some of our farms were fair trade, we got better prices f...
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  • 17/05/21

    3P Drama - Peter Pan

    Today, we acted out scenes from Peter Pan's adventure based on what we know so far.  Martha: Seth is saying land ahoy from the crow's nest. I am a dead pirate that Captain Hook (Lucas) just killed.  Sashzvin: Joey (Peter Pan) sent us all to fly and I was feeling reall...
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  • 13/05/21

    3P Pirate Ships

    Today, to help with our work on prepositions, we created our own pirate ships and placed objects in, on or around them. We then used the ships to write sentences describing where the objects/people were. We challenged ourselves to use adventurous vocabulary, including amazing adjectives a...
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  • 07/05/21

    3P Number Day!

    We have had a great time celebrating number day! We have dressed up in our favourite 'number clothes' and played lots of games to practice our times tables. This time, we have been focusing on our 3 times table. We started by chanting the 3 times table by counting in 3s (naughty Bob - our co...
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  • 28/04/21

    3P Inverted Commas

    Today, we have been learning how to use inverted commas to show speech when we are writing. For fun, to show the speech marks, we used macaroni! Look at some of our brilliant writing.
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  • 23/04/21

    3P Fraction Fun!

    This week has been all about fractions! We have been exploring how fractions make whole numbers, counting in fractions and putting fractions onto number lines.    On Thursday, we had a variety of fractions with different denominators, grouped them by denominator and then ordered them...
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  • 01/04/21

    Year 3 Decorated Eggs

    Click on the "Gallery" to see our eggs in Y3.                 
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  • 29/03/21

    3P's perfect poetry persists!

    Today, we have been learning about syllables and the syllable patterns that form Haiku poems. We practised using robot talk to count syllables and then wrote our own haikus about crocodiles and other topics from Ancient Egypt. 
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Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393