Year 4 Update 20.05.22
Another brilliant week for Year 4!
4R and 4Y are swimming this term
4B and 4G are PE this term and need to BRING IN their kits
Our PE day will continue to be on Thursdays this term - Children should come in their PE kits.
Friday 20th June will be a red/white/blue day for the jubilee. Children can wear anything of these colours. The morning will be spent studying RE.
This week:
What a fabulous week we have had!
In maths, we completed our assessment on money and began to practise telling the time.
In English, we have continued to follow the journey of Edward Tulane and written diary entries from the perspective of a character, Bryce.
In the afternoons, we have continued to study volcanoes and earthquakes. We have worked hard to think about how we could create our own seismograph. We made exploded diagrams to do this.
Next week
Next week, in topic (DT specifically) we will be making our own seismographs that we have designed.
In English, we will be writing diary entries and continuing to read 'The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane'.
In Maths, we will be practising telling the time.
Homework this week-
Children learnt about how children in other parts of the world prepare for earthquakes when at school. For homework, can they create an earthquake safety poster to be displayed in a school in an earthquake prone country. Think about what precautions children would need to take to stay safe (remember it was very similar to our fire drills).