Year 5 Weekly News - Friday 29/04/2022
In English this week, our text ‘When the Mountains Roared’ has been getting very exciting! The characters are now deep in the Indian jungle, so we visited our own jungle (the environmental area) to gather vocabulary for a setting description.
In maths this week, Year 5 have continued their work around decimals. They can now solve problems involving adding and subtracting decimals. Next week the children will complete calculations involving whole numbers and decimals.
This week, we started our new topic, "Walk on the Wild Side" with a focus on art. Inspired by the work of Steven Brown, we explored how texture is created by using different brush strokes and colours. Year 5 created some stunning artwork full of vibrant colours.
On Monday, we were overwhelmed by the talent of year 5 as we heard from our Speaker Competition class winners. We are immensely proud of the courage every child who entered showed.
Home Learning Information
Our duck eggs are arriving next week! For home learning this week, we would like you to research this question: What came first, the chicken or the egg? You can present your answer in any way you like.
Key Messages and Information for Parents
- Monday – PE for all classes. Wear PE kit to school.
- Wednesday – 5R and 5Y swimming. 5B and 5G bring PE kits to school.
- Wednesday - Children in the Young Voices choir to the O2.
- Thursday - Upton The Speaker competition final.
- Wow Day – Friday 6th May. We invite the children to come dressed as an animal or as a safari guide. If you are struggling to come up with a costume idea, please see your class teacher.
Please continue to sell the raffle tickets to help raise money for the sensory garden. Some children have taken a sponsor form so that they can run their own sponsored event at home.
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