Year 5 Weekly News - Friday 13/05/2022
In English this week, we have been researching and writing our own explanation text on endangered animals. This learning has linked perfectly with our topic learning on deforestation and habitat loss in the afternoons, as well as the journey that Ruby is going on in our text When the Mountains Roared, as she battles to help save the local leopards form poachers and hunters. The children have enjoyed researching and learning about a number of endangered and vulnerable animals, including snow leopards, tigers and pandas. Their writing has been of high quality using a range of technical vocabulary, causal conjunctions and the passive voice.
In maths this week, Year 5 have continued their work on decimals, making links with previous learning on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 and applying this to decimal numbers. In Mr White's group, children have been working on adding and subtracting decimals.
Our UBBC learning this week has been dominated by one thing - the ducklings!
The eggs arrived last week as part of our learning on life cycles and spent the first week incubating. Unfortunately, the children missed the hatching process as it happened over the weekend, but it did mean we arrived back to school on Monday to 6 adorable balls of fuzz. Over the week, we have watched them grow in front of our eyes and it has been such a wonderful experience to tie in with our learning on life cycles.
Also in UBBC this week, we have been looking at deforestation, exploring the causes and consequences of habitat loss in the rainforest. We learnt that the process of deforestation is not quite as clear cut as we first though and debated how logging and deforestation needs to be managed in a sustainable manner.
Home Learning Information
This week in Geography, we created a sketch map of our local area (the Upton school grounds). For your homework task, we would like you to create a sketch map of your local area.
On your map, make sure you identify all the human (buildings, roads, shops etc) and physical features (trees, rivers, fields etc). You can either do this by going out and having a walk around your local area, or using online mapping tools such as Google Earth and Google Maps.
Use the Sketch Map Checklist below to support.
Key Messages and Information for Parents
Next week:
- Monday – PE for all classes. Wear PE kit to school.
- Wednesday – 5R and 5Y swimming. 5B and 5G bring PE kits to school.
- Friday - Dress to Express day to celebrate international diversity day - children to wear clothes that represent them!
- Wednesday 25th May - Howletts Trip
Please continue to sell the raffle tickets to help raise money for the sensory garden. Some children have taken a sponsor form so that they can run their own sponsored event at home.