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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Y6 2021-22


Page 5

  • 11/11/21

    6R Fun at the Fair!

    Year 6 had a fantastic Wow day for our Fun at the fair topic. 
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  • 05/11/21

    6R and 6Y Burst into Bollywood!

    As part of our learning about Diwali, Upton pupils took part in a Bollywood dancing workshop today. After an assembly about the religious origins of Diwali, each year group took part in an active workshop in which they learnt some specific Bollywood hand movements and moves. We explored how expressi...
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  • 04/11/21

    Bollywood hits 6B

    6B learns some Bollywood dance moves as part of Diwali
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  • 04/11/21

    UBBC Homework 5th November: E-Safety

    Hi Year 6! This week, during our afternoon learning, we have been exploring appropriate communication online and the importance of keeping personal information private. Your homework task is to create a piece of work that educates people about how to communicate online safely. This could be throu...
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  • 22/10/21


    6B enjoyed a fantastic day of food tasting and cooking!
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  • 20/10/21

    6P - The verdict is in! Floodland reviews

    6P have finally finished the book - Floodland by Martin Sedgwick and have had time to consider the whole story and our opinions of the book as a whole. Overall, we decided that we loved the drama, the intrigue and the fact that most of the characters were children, but found the ending a little...
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  • 16/10/21

    6G Fossil hunt and palaeontologist

    Hand on learning for 6G
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Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393