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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 6 weekly messages and homework 04.03.22


4.3.22 Year 6

Key Messages:

Remember that swimming, computing, Mandarin and music is on Monday next week (Bs and Gs swimming).

We have WW2 Jives: 6B Tuesday 8 March 1.30-2.45pm

 6R Tuesday 15 March 1.30-2.45pm

 6G Tuesday 22 March 1.30-2.45pm

6Y Tuesday 29 March 1.30-2.45pm

Parents are welcome to join in with their children.

Ramsgate Tunnels Trip:

 6B and 6G on 10th March

6R and 6Y on the 11th March

Children should have trainers in school for the afternoon as sensible footwear is recommended.

WW2 Experience Day on 28th March in Maidstone at Kent Life (children to dress an evacuee - more information in letter.

Please ensure that you have sent the consent form in please.

Home Learning:

Create a WW2 evacuation leaflet to inform people during the war.

Please ensure children are completing their reading, mymaths, TTRS & Spelling Shed homework.

Reading:         ​

Minimum 3x a week. Reading record must be signed by an adult. Can be completed on your own or with your parents.

Spelling Shed:

Once a week – Friday to Friday.

Tasks will be completed online, with new tasks set every week.

Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.

 Times Tables Rock Stars:         ​

Minimum 3x a week.

Can be completed on tablets, laptops or mobile phones though the app or the website.


My Maths:

Once a week – Friday to Friday.

Tasks will be completed online, with new tasks set every week.


Tasks will always follow the subjects being taught in class that week.


We enjoyed a wonderful World Book Day in Year 6. Our theme was Alice in Wonderland and we created some lovely work around falling through  the rabbit hole and art work based on looking through the keyhole.

Our focus this week has been on poetry linked to war and expressing language in a creative way. Children created their own WW2 poetry and went onto create some black out poetry and thoroughly enjoyed this.

Next week our focus will be on writing a newspaper report based on our learning on evacuation. We will be delving into the key features of a newspaper report and ensuring we incorporate all of this into our reports. We are also hooked on our text ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ and will be using reciprocal reading strategies throughout the week.


This week we have been focusing on area and perimeter of compound shapes. We thought about how area and perimeter is used in everyday life. We will be continuing our learning to find the area of parallelograms and then moving onto volume next week.



This week we have focused on Why Britain went to war; a timeline of the events leading up to and during the war; the key participants of the war and rationing. Each child has created some lovely informative double pages spreads and are so hooked to our learning. Next week, we move onto learning about light and how searchlights were used during the war. We are also going to Ramsgate Tunnels and Safety in action (please refer to reminders above and previous letters)

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393