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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Y6 2020-21


Page 4

  • 29/04/21

    6R Spray paint art!

    6R have been learning about WW2 and concentration camps. They carefully considered how people might be feeling pessimistic yet optimistic during the holocaust. They showed lots of empathy as they have considered the emotions of different people during the war. 6R choose a key word to highlight these...
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  • 28/04/21

    Computing fun in 6G

    Fantastic programming lesson using Scratch
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  • 28/04/21


    Year 6 week 2 homework, due Wednesday 5th May
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  • 23/04/21

    WW2 Soldiers

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.
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  • 23/04/21

    Wartime London Art

    We are thoroughly enjoying our WW2 topic.
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  • 23/04/21

    6B World War 2 Artwork

    Inspired by WWII and the books we are reading in class (Rose Blanche in the afternoon and Letters from the Lighthouse - class text), 6B have created some wonderful artwork! They are emotive and show how people would have felt during this time. The children also created silhouette artwork based on th...
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  • 23/04/21

    6B Air-Raid Simulation

    This week for our writing, we have been looking at Air-Raids during WWII and what they would have felt like. We did an amazing piece of writing based on the Air-Raid we undertook thinking about the actions we underook and how we felt. 
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  • 23/04/21

    Homework! 23.04.21

    Homework  Set: 23.04.21 Due: 28.04.21 Your homework task this week is to write a poem based on World War Two. Use what we have learnt this week through reading the books 'Letters from the Lighthouse' and 'Rose Blanche' to help you. You can write any type of poem it coul...
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  • 22/04/21

    6G WW2 Art Work

    6G have been showing their artistic skills again
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  • 21/04/21

    6R's 'We'll Meet Again' artwork!

    This week 6R have started learning about World War II. We have started reading our class text 'Letters from the lighthouse' which has prompted excellent questioning and discussions about the air raids and evacuation. In UBBC they have created some wonderful art work. Using watercolours, they...
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  • 01/04/21

    HOMEWORK 01.04.21

    Well done everyone, you have worked so hard over the last term. Relax and enjoy your Easter holiday. Have a go at these Easter drawings. Maybe you could draw one of these designs and make a lovely Easter card to send to a friend!
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  • 30/03/21

    6R's Fabulous Fajitas!

    This week year have been making delicious Mexican cuisine. They prepared salsa, guacamole and assembled these ingredients to make tasty fajitas. They practised their chopping, dicing, mashing and grating skills. 6R worked so well as a team, they helped each other and showed excellent team work...
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Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393