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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Y6 2020-21


Page 5

  • 30/03/21

    Ready Steady Cook...

    6G whip up a cooking storm in class.
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  • 26/03/21

    Fun games to develop reasoning skills...

    Mr Kettles maths group uses games to develop their problem solving and reasoning skills.
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  • 26/03/21

    Miss Scarr's Maths Group - Ratio and Skittles!

    This week we have been investigating and learning about ratio! Yesterday, we used Skittles and Rainbow Drops to show the ratio of the different colours; linked it to fractions; created bar models and wrote ratio statements based on what we had found out during the investigation! The class had so muc...
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  • 23/03/21

    Mathematicians! 6R

    This week Miss Prescott's maths group have been investigating ratio and proportion. They have been working together to solve maths mysteries, using scale factors to create shapes and they even redesigned Disneyland! They put all their knowledge and skills into practice and worked hard to in...
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  • 18/03/21

    Homework Set 19/3/21

    Set 19.3.21  Due 24.3.21  This week we have been looking at classification in science and how we group different creatures in the animal kingdom. For your homework this week, we would you like you to create an animal fact file. Your fact file must includ...
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  • 18/03/21

    6B - The Amazing Peppered Moth

    This week we learnt all about the peppered moth and natural selection. This linked to our learning on Charles Darwin last term. We found out that it had to evolve due to the Industrial Revolution! Survival of the fittest meant that the darker moths were surviving whilst the white ones were eaten be...
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  • 17/03/21

    Amazing Animal Artwork

    6R have created some unbelievable artwork in our 'circle of life' topic. They were practising their sketching and shading skills and created symmetrical animal faces. Have a look at some of their fantastic work!!
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  • 16/03/21

    6Y Better Together Homework Bake Off

    ‘The Great Upton Bake Off’  
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  • 12/03/21

    Art-Attack! 6G

    A week filled with art for 6G this week!
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  • 12/03/21

    6Y Conveying emotions and feelings through art work.

    After reading chapter 4, 6Y created a story S summary of the chapter before creating a piece of artwork that can infer meaning. They really thought about feelings and  showing not telling.  
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  • 12/03/21

    6Y Better Together

    IALT: work together in order to grow together.  Success Criteria:  -a celebration of how far we have come - understand the importance of teamwork - to show kindness - understand diversity
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Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393