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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Y6 2020-21


Page 6

  • 12/03/21

    6B Sensational Artwork!

    6B created fantastic artwork in the style of Georgia O'Keeffe using a range of different mediums including charcoal, water colours, pastels and shading. They used flowers as their inspiration. Take a look through our art gallery below! 
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  • 11/03/21

    Amazing art work!! 6R

    6R have had a fantastic return to school. Our subject in UBBC this week has been art. They made the most of the sunshine and the beautiful nature. We went exploring outside, to find a variety of flowers. They took their time, thought about light and shade and sketched some wonderful flowers in...
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  • 05/03/21

    World Bookday Enjoyment in Year 6 Key Worker Group and 6G

    Mr Kettle had the pleasure to spend World Book Day with both 6G the Year 6 Key Worker group.
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  • 05/03/21

    6B Celebrate World Book Day!

    Upton Junior School Celebrates World Book Day! Lockdown hasn’t dulled Upton’s enthusiasm for celebrating World Book Day, in fact it is quite the opposite with children both at school and at home getting involved in 6B. We started the day by playing a game of who’s behind the boo...
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  • 05/03/21

    6B The Life and Work and Charles Darwin!

    This week in topic, we have been looking at the life and work of Charles Darwin. Darwin's work on evolution, natural selection and the Origin of the Species is one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time and it's foundations still impact the way in which we look at the livin...
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  • 05/03/21

    6R Celebrate WORLD BOOK DAY!

    Today we celebrated world book day by wearing bright colours and reading 'After the fall' by Dan Santat, the story of how Humpty got back up again. 
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  • 05/03/21

    Homework 05.03.21 International Women's day

    Find out about some of the inspirational women of the past and present.
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  • 04/03/21

    6P Celebrates World Book Day!

    6P have had a great day celebrating World Book Day (even though for most of us it was virtual!) We dressed in our brightest colours to get us in a celebratory mood:           We enjoyed reading After the Fall - the story of what happened to Humpt...
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  • 03/03/21

    6G explores Charles Darwin's life

    Building upon our work from last term, 6G have been researching about the wonderful life of Charles Darwin.
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  • 02/03/21

    6Y The History of Music

    IALT: To learn how music has developed through the 20th century. Success Criteria I can name famous musical artists from different eras...
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  • 26/02/21

    6Y Life Cycles

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.
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Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393