Friday 2nd December
This week in Maths, we have started multiplication and division, looking at making equal groups and multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
In English, we have been retelling the story of Stone Age Boy from the girl's perspective, using adverbs.
In the afternoons, we have been learning about Stone Age tools and how they were made. We had a go a carving weapon heads our of soap, chipping away at the soap like flint knapping. Then we used string to attach our weapon heads to a stick to make a Stone Age tool.
Next week:
In Maths, we continue with multiplication and division, looking at arrays.
In English, we will be writing from the perspective of the reindeer in Stone Age Boy and starting to write a Stone Age fact file.
In the afternoons, we will be learning about the distribution of natural resources and minerals. As well as changes from the Stone Age through to the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.
Wednesday 7th December - Christmas party day. Children to wear party clothes.
Friday 9th December - Christmas fair. Non-uniform. No swimming for Rs and Ys.