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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Weekly News and Looking Ahead

Week 4 in Year 4


This week we have continued to explore the place value of decimals, including dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 100. We then applied our knowledge in our end of unit assessment. Next week we will begin our next decimals module, where will we will focus on partitioning decimals, ordering and comparing.  

Year four are continuing to practice their times-tables before the assessment in June.  


This week we have been focusing on the use of emotive language to show how a character is feeling, we applied this learning through a diary entry written in the role of Elliot (the hero of this terms text.) Next week we will begin to apply a range of skills, such as using expanded noun phrases and cohesion as we write a ‘quest’ inspired by the events of ‘Who let the Gods out?’ 


Afternoon Thematic Curriculum 

This week in geography, we have been comparing Athens and London. In history, we have been investigating and researching daily life in Ancient Greece. Next week we will be exploring Athens and Sparta, on Thursday we have workshops with ‘Living Histories’ where we will further develop our knowledge on life in Ancient Greece.  

Home Learning: 

This week can you use your knowledge of life in Ancient Greece to write a diary entry in the role of an Ancient Greek?  

Next week:  

Dress to express day on Friday 19th – please see blog below.  

Miss Vary along with Mr Kettle will be holding a Year 4 information meeting regarding the Multiplication Tables Check on Monday 22nd May at 3.30pm in the hall. This will be an opportunity to find out more about the statutory assessment and ask any questions you may have.  


Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393