Weekly news! 06.10.2023
What an amazing week we have had in Year 4!
In English this week, we started our new book – Leon and the Place Between. The children have created both a setting description and a character description of the great Abdul Kazam, using rich and vivid vocabulary. In addition, we celebrated National Poetry Day on Thursday. The children wrote some fantastic poems inspired by Zaro Weil’s ‘We are Friends’ poem.
Next week, the children will dive further into our magical and mystical text and will be writing their own play scripts.
Our Maths learning this week has continued to focus on addition and subtraction strategies. The children have delved into word problems, using the bar model to help represent the whole and parts.
Next week, we develop this learning further, comparing bar models and working on 2-step addition and subtraction problems.
Our science learning continued this week with the children learning about noise pollution and creating fact-files about the topic. The week culminated with the children learning about methods of communication without sound. The children put their minds to learning a new skill, sign language. They learnt different greetings, colours and even how to spell out their names. Excellent work everyone!
Love to Learn
READING: Children in Year 4 are expected to read at home at least three times a week. It is important that the children bring in their reading records daily so that we can check in with progress and read with the children in school. Please read as often as possible at home. Thank you for your support.
MATHS: The children will now have received their Mathletics login details. Maths homework tasks will now be available on the website. Please also continue to practise times tables using TTRS.
THEMATIC: This term, we would like you to tell us/show us how we hear sounds/what affects the pitch and volume of sounds/how vibrations travel through different materials.
The expectation of uniform is that hair is tied back if it is below the shoulders. Hoodies (apart from those provided by the school) are not permitted and children should be wearing school shoes, not trainers apart from on PE days. PE kit should be navy or black with their house colour t-shirt.
Tuesday afternoon is swimming for 4B and 4G
Thursday afternoon is PE