Upcoming Personal Development Learning in Term 3!
Read this blog to find out about our Personal Development Learning week next term!
What a fantastic term of Personal Development Upton has had!
The children have been so respectful throughout their learning of equality and diversity in relationships. Next term, we will continue exploring relationships but focus on kindness and the importance of keeping safe online.
On Wednesday 3rd January, Upton returns from the winter break and it will be a Personal Development Day; the children will focus on PSHE and wellbeing activities. The day will start with a discussion of the following key question:
Is it more important to be liked or respected?
The focus text for this day will be “A Simple Act Of Kindness” by David Harris:
A simple act of kindness
can stop a million tears.
A little hug
can give so much joy.
A letter now and then to someone
can save so many wasted years.
We should hold every moment precious
and help as many as we can
with a simple act of kindness
every now and then.
The world would be a better place
if we all cared a little more.
Imagine how many smiling faces
would greet us at the door
if we extended that helping hand
with a simple act of kindness
that could spread across many lands.
Each year group will explore the following learning objectives:
Year 3:
To recognise and respond appropriately to the feelings of others
To recognise what a healthy relationship is
To recognise an unhealthy relationship and how to ask for help
Year 4:
To understand that our actions can affect others
To understand acceptable physical contact
To the concept of keeping a secret and why it is ok to break this promise
Year 5:
To understand how to resolve conflicts
To compromise and support others during disputes
To recognise and manage “dares”
Year 6:
To recognise different forms of bullying
To explore prejudice and how to respond to it
To understand personal boundaries
To understand their right to be healthy and safe