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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

15.3.24 Year 4 Weekly News

Year 4 Innovation Station

This week began with a visit from Amazon RME (retail and maintenance engineers.) They came to show the children how a simple circuit works, how a parallel circuit works and the correct use of PPE for working with electrics. The team also brought along some robotics to show the children how things work!

In Maths this week, the children have been learning about decimals. They have been rounding decimals and finding number bonds within them. Next week, the children will be mentally adding and subtracting decimals, recognising decimal equivalents of hundredths and recognising decimal equivalents of halves and quarters. 

In English, the children have been writing a letter in role, focusing on the use of sentence openers. Next week, the children will be writing a continuous diary entry from the perspective of a character in our text. The focus will be emotive language. On Monday, the children will be doing a Big Write linking to the Big Legal Lesson. The children have learnt all about the law and will be writing about a new law they would enforce if they had the chance. 

This week, following on from our WOW day with Amazon, the children have been learning about electrical circuits. The B and G classes have been using TinkerCad to create circuits and test ways of getting a brighter bulb. The R and Y classes were testing out different switches this week in a circuit. Next week, the classes will swap and the children will also learn about conductors and insulators. 


Please find attached the homework grid for the new topic. 

Key Dates:

Monday 18th March- Tony Bradman author visit

Thursday 21st March- World Down Syndrome Day- children can wear their brightest, most odd socks

Friday 22nd March- Year 4 parent book look 14.45pm

Key Messages:

Reminder to ensure children are reading at home and bringing in their reading records.

Please encourage your child to practise their times tables at home. TTRS is a great way to do this! 

Please ensure children are wearing the correct school uniform and shoes, including ties and lanyards.

Please ensure children bring in their water bottles.

As the colder weather continues, please ensure children have coats.

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393