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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

7.6.24 Year 4 Weekly News

Welcome back year 4!

This week started with Good to Be Me Day. The children were given a country to do research that is linked to the Olympics/ paralympics this year. Each class researched their chosen country and then created a beautiful double page spread to report their findings. The classes also learnt a song/dance from their country which will be performed on sports day!

In Maths this week, the children started their unit on shape and symmetry. The children have been learning about the different types of angles and how you can identify them. Towards the end of the week, they went on to learning about how angles appear in 2D shapes. Next week the children will be focusing on 2D shapes and symmetry. 

In English this week, the children have been learning about the difference between migrants and refugees. They focused on the text, 'Who are refugees and migrants? What makes people leave their homes? And other big questions,' by Michael Rosen and Annemarie Young. They produced an information text explaining the differences, what makes them leave their home, what rights they have and how they travel. This links to our new text 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' as the main character is a refugee who has to flee his home because of war. Next week, the children will be writing character descriptions, and sketching and describing pomegranates using vivid and rich vocabulary.  

Next week, we will be starting our thematic for this term- My home is your home. The children will be celebrating Broadstairs and creating a double page spread to represent it as a community. They will also be learning about OS symbols through a treasure hunt around the school and on Friday, they will be going on a local walk to research Broadstairs and it's land use. 


Please find attached the homework grid for the new topic. 

Key Dates:

Monday 3rd June- year 4 Multiplication Check begins

Wednesday 12th June- Dragon boat races on the field. Please see previous BLOG.

Friday 14th June AM- year 4 geography fieldwork trip to Broadstairs

Monday 17th June- Class photos

Wednesday 19th June- Sports day- more details to follow

Thursday 20th June- Diversity day- children to wear own class country's colour

4B- Chile

4G- Dominican

Republic 4R-

Ethiopia 4Y- Iceland

Key Messages:

Reminder to ensure children are reading at home and bringing in their reading records.

Please encourage your child to practise their times tables at home. TTRS is a great way to do this! 

Please ensure children are wearing the correct school uniform and shoes, including ties and lanyards.

Please ensure children bring in their water bottles.

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393