Homework tasks
Cross curricular homework due 05.10.22
Reading daily
Mymaths, Spelling Shed and TTRS 07.10.22
Year 5 Weekly News 30.09.22
Key Messages:
- Reminder to ensure children are reading at home and bringing in their reading records.
- Please ensure children are wearing correct school uniform and shoes.
- Please ensure children are bringing in their water bottles.
- Tuesday 4th October is Year 5 WOW day. Children will come in in their school uniforms for a day of fun linked to our Topic Changes.
Home Learning:
Home Learning Task:
Research and create a poster on an experiment that involves a reversible or irreversible change. Challenge: demonstrate the experiment (*with adults’ supervision and ensuring the ingredients are safe) and take photos to stick into your home learning book. Homework is due on WEDNESDAY.
Minimum 3x a week. Reading record must be signed by an adult. Can be completed on your own or with your parents.
Spelling Shed:
Once a week – Friday to Friday.
Tasks will be completed online, with new tasks set every week.
Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.
Times Tables Rock Stars:
Minimum 3x a week.
Can be completed on tablets, laptops or mobile phones though the app or the website.
My Maths:
Once a week – Friday to Friday.
Tasks will be completed online, with new tasks set every week.
Tasks will always follow the subjects being taught in class that week.
This week children have been learning to use exciting and varied vocabulary to describe the main character (Bradley) from the text There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom. We have had lots of opportunities for drama and discussion on the text.
Next week, we will be considering the point of view from the different characters and how they interpret situations in different ways.
This week in maths we have be focusing on addition and subtraction using formal written methods and mental strategies. Towards the end of the week we looked at the inverse operation and how we can use this to check our answers.
Next week, we will be moving onto to learning about multiplication and formal written methods. Please ensure children are accessing TTRS to learn their times tables.
This week in Science we have been learning out magnetism, decanting, sieving and filtering. The children have thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on learning and went on to apply this to their alien soup. Towards the end of the week, we looked at reversible and irreversible changes by making slime and seeing the results when we mixed bicarbonate soda with vinegar.
Next week, we will be learning about Ruth Benerito and information poster on changes of state.