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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 5 Weekly News - Friday 14.06.24

We have had a fabulous week in Year 5 this week. Take a look at what we have been up to…

Key Messages: for next week…

  • Monday is photo day so children need to come to school in their school uniform.
  • Tuesday is our Year 5 trip to Howletts. See separate letter for information.
  • Wednesday is Sports Day in the afternoon. See separate letter for information.
  • Thursday is swimming for 5R and 5Y. Please ensure that full swimming kit is brought in on that day. If your child cannot take part, please contact their teacher or the office to explain why.
  • Children can come to school in their PE kit on swimming days.
  • Please ensure children are wearing correct school uniform and shoes, including a tie.
  • Please ensure children are bringing in their water bottles every day, preferably with a sports cap.

Weekly homework tasks: 

Reading daily – please bring in your reading record signed by an adult.

TTRS - at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes.

Spelling Shed - Friday to Friday

Mathletics – Friday to Friday

Please note, Mathletics has a different login to Spelling Shed and TTRS.

***Well done to everyone who has received a certificate so far for either Mathletics or TTRS***

Termly Home Learning Task - Term 6: Tides of Change

This term in Year 5 we will be continuing our topic ‘Tides of Change’. During our thematic lessons, the children will be delving further into the history as well as the human and physical geography of their local area! We would like the children to immerse themselves in the topic during their home learning by exploring another one of these tasks, or a task of their choosing which links. They may present their work in any way that they wish; it could be a presentation, poster, or something that they make, the possibilities are endless. This piece of work will need to be brought back into school by the last week of term. If something is physically created, please can this be brought in or a photo stuck into books so we can celebrate the children’s success!

 We look forward to seeing more fabulous projects.


In English this week we wrote some diary entries as Ruby, the protagonist of our English text ‘When the Mountains Roared’, as well as a letter to Mum. The children focused on using a range of time conjunctions to organise their writing and included a variety of cohesive devices to link their ideas.

Next week, we will be writing a comparative setting description of the jungle and hotel.


This week in maths we completed our unit on shape by looking at 3D shapes and their properties. We built 3D shapes using cocktail sticks and plasticine, which helped us to identify how many edges, vertices and faces the shapes have. We also explored the diameter, radius and circumference of circles.

Next week we will begin our unit on volume.


Thematic Curriculum:

This week our afternoon lessons have been about the history of Ramsgate. We learnt about the importance of the Ramsgate tunnels and how Ramsgate is the only Royal Harbour in the UK. Today, we invited in some visitors from a local group to talk to the children about the history of various locations in the town.


Next week we will be looking at renewable and non-renewable energy sources.

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393