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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 6 Blog


Page 8

  • 12/01/23

    Weekly Messages and Homework 13.01.23

    Our first full week back in Term 3 and the children have worked so hard, we have had a fantastic week in year 6! Key Messages: Please send your child into school with a pair of outdoor shoes so they are able to go on the school field. Bs and Gs are swimming this term, please make sure the...
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  • 06/01/23

    A great start to Term Three!

    Happy new year! What a fantastic return to school this week. The children have shown real enthusiasm and have come back ready to learn.  Home Learning Task For the home learning task this week, we would like the children to imagine they have the opportunity to go on a ‘round the wor...
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  • 15/12/22

    Christmas Week in Year 6!

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  • 01/12/22

    Key Messages 02.12.22

    Key Messages Remember that swimming for 6Y and 6R is on a Monday afternoon. Children need to come in dressed in their PE kits on a Tuesday.   Bs and Gs are going to Christmas unwrapped at the church on Tuesday afternoon. All of year 6 are going to the pantomime on Wednesday.  T...
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  • 25/11/22

    Friday 25th November

    Key Messages Remember that swimming for 6Y and 6R is on a Monday afternoon. Children need to come in dressed in their PE kits on a Tuesday.   As you are aware, open day is approaching next week. If your child has received and not returned the letter about helping on Open Day (30th Novembe...
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  • 17/11/22

    Another Super Week in Year 6! Key Information: 18.11.22

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  • 11/11/22

    6G Remembers

    In remembrance of those who bravely defended and supported our country, 6G spent the whole day commemorating those in WW1. We explored the historical significance of Thanet and wrote our own poetry in light of this learning. Well done for showing so much respect today Year 6!
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  • 11/11/22


    Another week of fantastic learning in Year 6!
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  • 04/11/22

    6G learn to stay #safe online!

    We are in Term 2 and I can't believe how fast the year is going! This week in our PSHE learning, children learnt about being safe. We explored water safety, safety from choking and safety online. 6G learnt key steps to help others if they are choking, and they showed great maturity and...
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  • 04/11/22

    Weekly Review and Homework 04.11.22

      Messages:  ​ ​ ​ Remember that swimming for the Rs&Ys is on Monday this term. Please ensure children have the swimming kits. Our PE day will continue to be on Tuesdays - Children should come in their PE kits. Maths KPI’s have been sent home this...
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  • 20/10/22

    Year 6 Weekly Blog!

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.
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Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393