Year 6 Weekly News 17.11.23
So proud of our Year 6 children this week!!
This week’s Kindness cup Winners are:
- Chloe
- Ralph
- Alicja
- Isla Bleue
This week’s pupil of the week are:
Eloise H
Key Messages:
- Reminder to ensure children are reading at home and bringing in their reading records.
- Please ensure children are wearing correct school uniform and shoes.
- Please ensure children are bringing in their water bottles.
- As the colder weather begins to creep in please ensure children have coats.
- PE days are Wednesdays.
- Children will be visiting the library throughout this term.
- Victorian day Monday 4th December – Below are some costume ideas that can be made from old clothes that the children have at home.
- Tuesday 28th November 6B & 6G - Christmas Unwrapped.
- 6R & 6Y Christmas Unwrapped - Wednesday 6th December
- Christmas Fair - Friday 8th December
- Year 6 Christmas party - Children can wear their own clothes - Tuesday 12th December
- Year 6 Panto day - Wednesday 13th December
Home Learning Task:
Attached below is the overarching Thematic Curriculum homework ideas. Please refer to the homework menu which gives a variety of creative tasks for the children to choose from. Children only need to complete one task as a minimum but can choose to complete more if they wish. Homework is due on Friday 8th December.
This week children focused on a character description of the Highwayman. They worked on showing not telling, ambitious vocabulary and expanded noun phrases.
Next week children will be writing an internal monologue as Bess. They will need to consider the characters thoughts and feelings.
Children in Year 6 have been enjoying their visits to the library for their reading for pleasure.
This week in maths we have continued our learning on fractions. We have looked at adding and subtracting fractions by finding the lowest common denominators and converting from mixed to improper fractions.
Next week, we will be moving onto angles. We will look at angles around a point, on a straight line and angles in a triangle.
Thematic Curriculum:
This week, the children have continued their Victorian topic learning about Victorian games, the rich and poor, medicine and healthcare and six figure grid references.
Next week, we will be learning about the inventions during the industrial revolution and know the impact that the Industrial Revolution had on the people of Britai.
Minimum 3x a week. Reading record must be signed by an adult. Can be completed on your own or with your parents.
Spelling Shed:
Once a week – Friday to Friday.
Tasks will be completed online, with new tasks set every week.
Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.
Times Tables Rock Stars:
Minimum 3x a week.
Can be completed on tablets, laptops or mobile phones though the app or the website.
Maths homework set from Friday to Friday based on the learning that week.
We are looking forward to another fabulous week!