Year 6 Weekly News: 23.02.24
Welcome back to Term 4- we hope you have all had a restful half term break, making lots of memories!
Personal Development
This week, we have been exploring Personal Development, and as such, learning has focused on PSHE and well-being. The focus this week has been Health and Safety; children have explored aspects that make us live safe lives.
Children have been learning:
about water safety: canal and river safety
about safety from choking
about E-Safety: understanding the importance of protecting personal information
to understand responsible use of phones
to understand appropriate communication online
to understand how self-esteem can be affected by the media
In Maths this week, children have been continuing with their learning of finding perimeter and area of quadrilaterals and triangles. Children have likewise undertaken a range of activities, that have allowed them to deepen and apply then understanding of converting.
This week, children have been learning about evacuation and exploring the impact of war on families through autobiographical writing as evacuees. This exercise not only has helped children to understand historical events, but has likewise, fostered empathy and critical thinking about the human experience during times of conflict. Through their writing, children had the opportunity to tap into the emotions of an evacuee, which they were then invited to convey through their descriptive use of language.
'The Speaker’ competition
Through to the next round:
6B: Rose, Noah and Nellie
6G: Seth, Stanley and Ben
6R: Lily, Maggie with Chloe and Eloise
6Y: Fearne, Eden and Elsie
Congratulations to each of you- you should be so proud!
This week’s ‘Kindness Cup Winners’ are:
6B- Olivia
6G- Nathan
6R- Chloe
6Y- Sky
This week’s ‘Pupils of the Week’ are:
6B- Ruby
6G- Jack
6R- Scott
6Y- Jonjo
We are so incredibly proud of you all- well done!
Reading reminders:
This week, children have taken their Star Reader Assessment and from Monday, will be issued with their adjusted ZPD code, which will be stuck into their reading records. With this in mind, please could we ask that all children bring their reading records into school on Monday. Attached below, is a copy of the Accelerated Reader letter, that was sent out to parents at the start of the year. Children are reminded to bring their reading records in, when they have read- we expect children to read at least, three times a week.
Home Learning
Attached below is the overarching Thematic Curriculum homework ideas. Please refer to the homework menu which gives a variety of creative tasks for the children to choose from. Children only need to complete one task as a minimum, but can choose to complete more if they wish. Homework is due in on Friday 22nd March.
Spelling Shed
Once a week: Friday to Friday.
Tasks to be completed online, with new tasks set every week.
Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.
Times Tables Rock Stars
Once a week: Friday to Friday.
Tasks to be completed online, with new tasks set every week.
Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.
Once a week: Friday to Friday.
Tasks will always follow the learning that week
Reminder to ensure:
Children are wearing correct school uniform and shoes- please see a reminder of the letter that went home last term.
Children are bringing in their water bottles.
Coats are being worn to school.
Key messages:
PE days are Wednesdays.
6R and 6Y are swimming on Friday afternoons.