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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 6 Weekly News: 10.05.24

Another fabulous week in the life of Year 6!


This week, children have continued to develop their knowledge and understanding of the fascinating history of the United Nations Charter and explored its significance in shaping global cooperation and diplomacy. Our Year 6’s spent time this week, tracing the origins of the United Nations Charter back to the aftermath of World War II. In the wake of unprecedented destruction and loss, our children have developed an understanding and appreciation of the significance of world leaders, working together in recognition of the urgent need for a new international organisation dedicated to promoting peace, preventing conflict, and fostering cooperation amongst nations. 


This week, our Year 6s have spent time crafting vivid descriptions of a "jellyfish" attack inspired by our core text. The focus of which was to use dialogue and descriptive language to advance action and build suspense. Imaginations soared as children immersed themselves in the scene, painting a vivid picture of the tumultuous waters and the menacing threat of the jellyfish. With pen in hand, they unleashed their creativity, weaving together dialogue and description to create a gripping narrative that kept readers on the edge of their seats! 


In Maths this week, we wanted to take a different approach to engage our children and bring Maths to life in a tangible way. What better way to do that than to take the learning outdoors and incorporate a sense of adventure into our Maths curriculum? Working in pairs and in small teams, our Year 6’s set out on a journey around the school grounds, armed with a series of challenging calculations to solve. Each checkpoint presented a new mathematical puzzle, calculation or problem, which tested their problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and teamwork- every challenge presented an opportunity for children to deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts while having fun in the process! 


First and foremost, the year 6 team would like to express how proud we are of the hard work and dedication that our Year 6’s have shown in preparing for their end of Key Stage assessments. They have shown an abundance of determination, resilience and above all, positivity!  

SATs week can, understandably, be an anxious time for both children and parents alike. However, it's essential to remember that these assessments are just one measure of your child's progress and achievements. While they are important, they do not define your child's worth or potential. 

Our priority during SATs week is to ensure that your child feels supported, confident, and ready to do their best. We have been working diligently to provide them with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to succeed. To help alleviate any anxiety or concerns, please encourage your child to get plenty of rest, eat healthily, and stay hydrated in the days leading up to the assessments. Remind them that they are well-prepared and capable, and that we believe in their abilities. 

This week’s ‘Kindness Cup Winners’ are:  

6B- Lola 

6G: Class award

6R- Jacob W 

6Y- Milo P 

 This week’s ‘Pupils of the Week’ are:  

6B- Nellie 

6G-  Class award

6R- Felix B 

6Y- Daisy S 

We are so incredibly proud of you all- well done!  

Home Learning   

Attached below is the overarching Thematic Curriculum homework ideas. Please refer to the homework menu which gives a variety of creative tasks for the children to choose from. Children only need to complete one task as a minimum, but can choose to complete more if they wish. Homework is due in on Friday 24th May.    

Spelling Shed   

  • Once a week: Friday to Friday.   

  • Tasks to be completed online, with new tasks set every week.   

  • Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.   

Times Tables Rock Stars   

  • Once a week: Friday to Friday.   

  • Tasks to be completed online, with new tasks set every week.   

  • Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.   


  • Once a week: Friday to Friday.   

  • Tasks will always follow the learning that week. 

Reminder to ensure:   

  • Children are wearing correct school uniform and shoes.   

  • Children are bringing in their water bottles.   

  • Coats are being worn to school.   

Key messages:   

  • PE days are Wednesdays.   

  • 6B and 6G are swimming on Friday afternoons.   

  • Don’t forget, our free SATs breakfast continues next week- the last day is Thursday 16th May.

  • Further details for the Year 6 Activity Week will be sent out in a letter next week.

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393