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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 6 Weekly News: 24.05.24

What a term!

As we bid farewell to another term, we extend a very big thank you to all of our families for your continued support of the school and your children’s education.  

The Viking Games 

This week marked a memorable event for our community as children from Upton, RAPS, and Chilton came together for the Viking Games. This annual sports event, which promotes camaraderie, teamwork, and physical fitness, was a resounding success. What stood out the most, was the incredible display of sportsmanship; every game was played with respect and fairness. The Viking Games have always been about more than just sports; they are about building a sense of unity and belonging, and this year, the event succeeded in every way possible. The children not only had a blast but also learnt valuable lessons in teamwork and sportsmanship that will stay with them for years to come. 


Year 6 production: 

The roles in this year’s production have been assigned to the children after careful consideration of their auditions. It really was a challenging decision as each child performed exceptionally well. 

With a limited number of roles in the play, we understand that some children may feel a little disappointed if they didn't receive their preferred part. We completely empathise with their feelings and acknowledge how important this play is to them. If this is the case, we would kindly ask if you could support your child by encouraging them to embrace their role with enthusiasm, even if it wasn't their first choice. 

It is essential they understand that every role in the play is crucial. Just like in a team, each member plays a significant part in working towards the shared goal. By accepting their assigned role, they will contribute to the overall success of the performance as a whole and help create something truly memorable. It will be a show you won’t forget because they all played a part in creating it! 

We really want to ensure that all children feel valued, supported and motivated to give their best performance and appreciate your understanding and co-operation. 

Activity Week: 

As the anticipation builds and the countdown to Activity Week draws nearer, it's been really lovely to see and hear the excitement and enthusiasm radiating from our Year 6’s. Their eagerness to dive into the week's activities speaks volumes about the positive impact that experiences like these can have on their overall well-being and development. 

This week, we've taken the time to remind our children about the Upton Way – our guiding principles that promote respect, responsibility, and safety. It's important for us to ensure that while our children immerse themselves in the thrill of Activity Week, they do so with mindfulness and care for themselves and others. 

With safety at the forefront of our minds, we've gone over essential reminders with our children, emphasising the importance of following instructions, looking out for one another, and being aware of their surroundings. By reinforcing these principles, we aim to create an environment where every child can fully enjoy the activities while staying safe and secure. 

Stay tuned for updates and highlights from our upcoming Activity Week – it's sure to be a week to remember! 

The ‘Pupils of the Term’ are:  

6B: Hallie-Grace 

6G: Seb   

6R: Irma 

6Y: Luke 

The ‘Pupils of the Term’ for Maths are:  

6B: Daniele 

6G: Jacob E 

6R: Maggie 

6Y: Matilda 

The ‘Pupils of the Term’ for English are:  

6B: Rose 

6G: Eloise 

6R: Leo 

6Y: Jonjo 

The Upton Core Values award winners for Term 4 are:  

6B: Alfie 

6G: Stanley   

6R: Hazel 

6Y: Hasan 

Spelling Shed   

  • Once a week: Friday to Friday.   

  • Tasks to be completed online, with new tasks set every week.   

  • Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.   

Times Tables Rock Stars   

  • Once a week: Friday to Friday.   

  • Tasks to be completed online, with new tasks set every week.   

  • Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.   

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393