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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 6 Weekly News: 28.06.24

Another busy week in Year 6!


Our Year 6’s this week have been buzzing with excitement, as they’ve begun their year group rehearsals for Aladdin. It’s been a week of laughter, learning and a fabulous display of teamwork. The energy and vibrancy that the children have brought has truly been palpable. Our Year 6’s have shown themselves to be enthusiastic and passionate - they’ve thrown themselves into their roles, fabulously- whether they are practising lines, perfecting dance moves, or helping with set design, their dedication and joy has been infectious. What has really been a highlight for all of us adults, is seeing the teamwork, which has been at the heart of rehearsals. Children are not just working on their individual parts but are coming together to support one another, sharing ideas and encouraging each other. This collaborative spirit is evident in every aspect of the production, from the seamless choreography to the beautifully crafted props and scenery.

As we inch closer to the performance date, the excitement is building. The children can’t wait to share their hard work with their families and the school community. The anticipation of seeing their parents' faces light up as they watch the magic of Aladdin unfold on stage is driving them to give their best in every rehearsal. Stay tuned for more updates, and be sure to mark your calendars for what promises to be a spectacular show. Year 6 is ready to take you on a magical carpet ride you won’t forget!

Year 6 Transition

This week has been a pivotal time for our Year 6’s as they prepare for their transition to secondary school. Understanding the importance of this significant change, we have organised a series of Transition Workshops led by the Kent Emotional Well-being Team and Rhodri from ACTs, who work closely with Upton to support our children during this crucial phase.

The Kent Emotional Well-being Team has been instrumental in providing our Year 6’s with the tools and strategies they need to manage their emotions and anxieties about moving on to secondary school. These workshops have focused on building resilience, understanding feelings, and developing coping mechanisms for the challenges that lie ahead. The interactive sessions have allowed children to express their concerns and receive personalised guidance, ensuring they feel supported and understood.

Rhodri from ACTs has brought his expertise and enthusiasm to our transition program, working hand-in-hand with children to bolster their confidence and readiness for secondary school. Through engaging activities and discussions, Rhodri has helped the children explore their strengths, set realistic goals, and envision their future in a positive light. His approach emphasises self-belief and proactive planning, empowering children to face the new academic and social environment with confidence.

Next Week:

As we head into next week, our Year 6 children are gearing up for an action-packed schedule filled with rehearsals and the much-anticipated National Transition Day. It promises to be a week full of excitement, learning, and memorable experiences.

This week’s ‘Kindness Cup Winners’ are: 

6B- Joey

6G- Evie

6R- Hazel

6Y- Olie

This week’s ‘Pupils of the Week’ are: 

6B- Rosie

6G- Noah

6R- Misty

6Y- Ta

We are so incredibly proud of you all- well done! 

Home Learning  

Attached below is the overarching Thematic Curriculum homework ideas. Please refer to the homework menu which gives a variety of creative tasks for the children to choose from. Children only need to complete one task as a minimum, but can choose to complete more if they wish. Homework is due on Friday 19th July.    

Spelling Shed   

  • Once a week: Friday to Friday.   

  • Tasks to be completed online, with new tasks set every week.   

  • Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.   

Times Tables Rock Stars  

  • Once a week: Friday to Friday.   

  • Tasks to be completed online, with new tasks set every week.   

  • Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.   


  • Once a week: Friday to Friday.   

  • Tasks will always follow the learning that week. 

Reminder to ensure:   

  • Children are wearing correct school uniform and shoes.   

  • Children are bringing in their water bottles.   

  • Coats are being worn to school.   

Key messages:   

  • PE days are Wednesdays.   

  • 6R and 6Y are swimming on Friday afternoons.  

  • A letter detailing the arrangements for the end of term performances has gone out to parents- if you wish to purchase tickets, there is still time. Please see the link in the attached letter.

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393