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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance

Year 6 Weekly News: 05.07.24

What a busy week!

Upton’s Got Talent:

This week, our school was buzzing with excitement as we hosted the much-anticipated event: Upton's Got Talent! It was an incredible showcase of talent, creativity, and hard work from children across all year groups. The performances were diverse and awe-inspiring, ranging from singing and dancing to magic tricks and comedy acts. The atmosphere was electric, and the support from the audience made the event even more special.

A huge congratulations to Ethan from 6Y, who emerged as the overall winner for Year 6! Ethan wowed us all with his amazing piano performance- his dedication and practice truly paid off, and it was evident to everyone that he put his heart and soul into his act. Well done, Ethan! Your talent and effort have set a great example for us all.

We also want to extend a big thank you to everyone who participated. Every single act was fantastic and showed just how much talent we have in Year 6, and likewise at Upton!

Well done to the class winners:

6B: Iris

6G: Seth

6R: Lily

6Y: Ethan

Production update

The rehearsals are in full swing, and each day brings us closer to a spectacular performance that we can't wait to share with you all. The children have been working incredibly hard, and it's truly inspiring to see their progress. Each rehearsal is filled with energy, enthusiasm, and a growing sense of confidence. It's amazing to witness how animated and expressive our young performers are becoming as they immerse themselves in their roles. From learning their lines and perfecting their dance moves, to hitting the right notes in their songs; every child is giving their absolute best. The teamwork and camaraderie amongst the children has also been heart-warming to see; children have been supporting one another, sharing tips, and cheering each other on, which makes the entire process even more enjoyable and successful.

Parents, we know how much you're looking forward to seeing your children shine on stage, and we promise you won't be disappointed. So, mark your calendars and get ready for a fantastic show!


This week has been a momentous one for our Year 6’s as they embarked on their journey to their new schools for their Transition activities. We are incredibly proud of how well they have handled this significant step, showing maturity, enthusiasm, and adaptability throughout the process. It's been lovely hearing children’s stories of new experiences, from exploring their new classrooms and facilities, to participating in exciting activities and lessons. The feedback from the new schools has been really positive, with teachers praising our children for their respectful behaviour, eagerness to learn, and positive attitudes. Parents, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to you for your support during this important time. Your encouragement and positivity have played a significant role in helping our children transition smoothly. We know how much effort goes into preparing for such a big change, and your involvement has been invaluable.

This week’s ‘Kindness Cup Winners’ are:  

6B- Alfie

6G- Jacob E

6R- Leo

6Y- Alfie

This week’s ‘Pupils of the Week’ are:  

6B- Sophie

6G- Seth

6R- Tali

6Y- Milo

We are so incredibly proud of you all- well done!  

Home Learning  

Attached below is the overarching Thematic Curriculum homework ideas. Please refer to the homework menu which gives a variety of creative tasks for the children to choose from. Children only need to complete one task as a minimum, but can choose to complete more if they wish. Homework is due in on Friday 19th July.    

Spelling Shed   

  • Once a week: Friday to Friday.   

  • Tasks to be completed online, with new tasks set every week.   

  • Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.   

Times Tables Rock Stars  

  • Once a week: Friday to Friday.   

  • Tasks to be completed online, with new tasks set every week.   

  • Tasks will always follow the spellings being taught in class that week.   


  • Once a week: Friday to Friday.   

  • Tasks will always follow the learning that week. 

Reminder to ensure:   

  • Children are wearing correct school uniform and shoes.   

  • Children are bringing in their water bottles.   

  • Coats are being worn to school.   

Key messages:   

  • PE days are Wednesdays.   

  • 6R and 6Y are swimming on Friday afternoons. 

Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393