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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance


Page 55

  • 11/01/17

    Year 5 Poetry Performance: Friday 20th January at 11:00am

    Our Year 5 children would like to invite parents and grandparents to their poetry performance held at Upton on Friday 20th January at 11:00 am. We really hope you can join us!
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  • 11/01/17

    Term 3 Art Competition: Anthony Browne 'Gorillas'

    Calling all artists of Upton:  Have a go at entering our final art competition for this year inspired by Anthony Browne's illustrations. Try and create a picture of a gorilla using any medium-paint, collage, pencil, pastel..............and on any sized paper. Hand art work t...
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  • 10/01/17

    Snow or Severe Weather

    If snow or severe weather does descend upon us with a vengeance, please be assured that Upton will remain open during all weathers as long as the heating continues to work!  If there should be a problem then we will contact parents through our text messaging service, our website, Facebook and T...
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  • 06/01/17

    Notice of the Viking Academy Trust's AGM: Monday 30th January 2017 - 6 pm

    Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Viking Academy Trust will be held at Upton Junior School on Monday 30th January 2017 at 6pm.
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  • 06/01/17

    The Week Ahead.......9th to 13th January 2017

    Please click this link to access our latest weekly feature which outlines all of the exciting events we have going on across next week.
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  • 05/01/17

    Year 4 Kingswood Information Meeting: Monday 16th January 2017 at 2:30 pm

    Year 4 Kingswood Residential Trip Meeting: We would like to invite all Year 4 Parents to our forthcoming Kingwood residential trip information meeting on Monday 16th January at 2:30 pm. You will find out all about the exciting trip taking place on the 18th/19th May this year and you will have opport...
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  • 05/01/17

    Governors Clinic: Friday 20th January 2017

    We host a ‘Governor Clinic’ three times year.  This sounds very grand but is an informal gathering whereby governors will be in school to meet parents; introduce themselves, chat about their role in leading the school forward and listen to any issues you may wish to discuss...
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  • 05/01/17

    An Evening with Brian Moses, Poet: Tuesday 10th January 2017

    We are hosting an evening with Brian Moses, Poet on Tuesday 10th January at 6:30pm at Upton.  The evening is a celebration of poetry where Brian will perform extracts from his ‘Poetry and Percussion Show’ and invite questions about writing and reading.  Please click t...
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  • 09/12/16

    The Week Ahead....Start of Term 3 2017

    Please click this link to find out all of the exciting events planned across the first week back in Term 3!
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  • 04/12/16

    Christmas 2016 Programme of Events

    Please click this link to access Upton's Christmas Programme of Events
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  • 17/11/16

    Upton Swimming Pool has reopened!!

    It is with great delight and pride that I am able to write to you with wonderful news. We can confirm that, thanks to the incredible work of the school, parents, volunteers and the local community, we have been successful not just in raising the £130,000 required to repair and refurbish t...
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  • 10/10/16

    Parent Consultations 17th, 18th & 19th October

    Parent Consultations will on the 17th, 18th and 19th October 2016.  
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Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393