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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance


Page 58

  • 08/07/16

    Dover Sea Sports Activity Centre

    Sailing, rafting and paddle boarding!
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  • 07/07/16

    Our new Year 3's have arrived!

    Our new Year 3's have arrived! 
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  • 06/07/16

    Transition Day 2016!

    Thursday 7th July - A very exciting day ahead tomorrow for everyone involved, the most exciting in all of the school calendar - our annual transition day - where we welcome our new children due in September to Upton to spend the day with their class teachers.  Our current Year 3, 4 & 5 c...
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  • 05/07/16

    Summer Fair

    Thursday 21st July at 1:30 pm - We are really looking forward to seeing you there!
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  • 05/07/16

    End of Year Celebration Picnic

    Please bring along some sunshine!
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  • 04/07/16

    Part 2 of Year 6's Sports Afternoon

    Year 6 warmly welcome Year 6 parents to join them during the afternoon on Tuesday 5th July to watch the children participate in the final remaining 5 races left over from their original sports day held last week.  The event starts at 1:30 pm - we really hope you can join us!
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  • 01/07/16

    The Week Ahead...4th-9th July 2016

    Please click this link to access our week ahead feature.
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  • 29/06/16

    Registration for Kent Test

    Year 5 Parents: If you haven't yet registered for the Kent Test and still would like to do so we have been told by Kent Admissions it is not too late to apply via paper application.  Please contact the school office for more information.
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  • 27/06/16

    Year 3 Go Ape Trip

    We are fast approach this exciting outdoor educational visit to Go Ape, the deadline for slips and payments is this Friday 1st July.
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  • 27/06/16

    Dover Sea Sports - Multi Activity Day

    We have the first of our Multi-Activity Days at Dover Sea Sports taking place on Friday 8th July!
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  • 27/06/16

    The Week Ahead..27th June - 1st July 2016

    Please click this link to access our regular 'The Week Ahead...' feature.
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  • 27/06/16

    Year 6 Trip to George Sand School, Wattignies

    Bonjour!  The trip to Wattignies will take place this Thursday 30th June, please arrive prompt at the school at 6:00am and report to your child's designated leader.   For all further information regarding the George Sand School trip, please find attached a letter.
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Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393