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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance


Page 68

  • 10/09/15

    Year 5 Meet & Greet Powerpoint Presentation

    If you were unable to attend the Year 5 Meet & Greet session on Tuesday 8th September we have published the slides on here for your perusal. Please click this link for more information.
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  • 09/09/15

    Our first newsletter of this academic year!!

    Please click this link to access copies of our publications sent out via email today  (Wednesday 9th September) - The newsletter, term dates and academic year term dates. Paper copies can be found in our school office foyer.
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  • 08/09/15

    Volunteer Reading Scheme 2015

    Spare an hour : Make a difference Calling all parents and grandparents... Do you sometimes have a spare afternoon where you find yourself at a loose end?  Do you sometimes ask yourself 'how could I really make a difference?' Here's how you can.... Come along to Upton and become a volunteer r...
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  • 08/09/15

    Upton is Green!

    For parents new to Upton you may not be aware that we email all letters we produce home in our quest to be eco-friendly.  Please update the school office if you have changed your email address or if you haven't already provided the school with an email address. All letters will also be pu...
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  • 08/09/15

    Year 4 'Meet and Greet': Wednesday 9th September

    Year 4 Parent Information Session - Wednesday 9th September.  Please pop along at 2:30 pm tomorrow to hear information about your child's forthcoming year ahead.
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  • 08/09/15

    Year 5 'Meet and Greet': Tuesday 8th September 2015

    Year 5: Parents 'Meet and Greet' session - Tuesday 8th September.  Please pop along today at 2:30 pm to hear information about your child's forthcoming year ahead.
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  • 08/09/15

    Behavior Information Sessions - Wednesday 9th September

    Behaviour Information Sessions - Wednesday 9th September. Please come along to our Behaviour Information Sessions held tomorrow, 9:00am, 2:15 pm or 3:30 pm, please pop along to whichever session is convenient to you. These meetings will outline our behaviour policy and our behaviour rewards systems...
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  • 07/09/15

    Year 3: Start and End of the Day Arrangements

    Now your child has spent their first day at Upton Junior School, we have emailed a letter today detailing start and end of the day arrangements. Please click this link to access a copy of the letter. If you have any worries no matter how big or small, please do not hesitate to contact your child's...
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  • 07/09/15

    Back to School: A summary of the first morning of the term

    The children have settled in nicely for their first day back at school. They've just had their first assembly of the term and it is now lunchtime. Children will finish at 3:15 pm today unless they are booked into the Upton Ship After-School Club.Have a great afternoon!
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  • 04/09/15

    School Dinners: Term 1

    If you would like your child to have a school dinner, you can decide this on a daily basis e.g. school dinners on Monday and Friday, packed lunch for the remainder of the week; Caterlink are very flexible.  Please pay cash or cheque only, payable to Caterlink on either a daily, weekly or termly...
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  • 03/09/15

    First day at a new school

    Wow, it's not long now until our new Year 3 children start at Upton on Monday 7th September at 8:40 am.The BBC have published a useful guide to coping with the first day at a new school, if you would like to have a peek please follow this link:
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  • 03/09/15


    Welcome!!! We hope you've had a wonderful summer break!! School opens for pupils on Monday 7th September.  Year 3 start at 8:40 am.  Years 4, 5 & 6 pupils start at 10:30 am. The office will be open on Thursday 3rd September from 1:30 pm and all day on Friday 4th September. We really...
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Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393