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Upton Junior School

Upton Junior School

One Childhood - One Chance


Page 73

  • 27/04/15

    Early Closure for Years 3, 4 & 5 only for Parent Consultation Monday (27th April)

    Don't forget school closes at 1:15 pm today for pupils in Years 3, 4 & 5 only in preparation for the Parent Consultation sessions taking place.  Year 6 will remain in school until 3:15 pm.
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  • 27/03/15

    What's on next week @Upton?

    Please click this link to access our weekly feature 'What's on next week @Upton?'
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  • 25/03/15

    Upton are Regional Winners!!!!!!!!

    WELL DONE AMAZING UPTON!!!! We are BEYOND delighted to tell you all that we are the lucky recipients of the South East Region Pupil Premium Awards!!! This means that Upton has won a staggering £50,000 to spend on enriching the education for children who need it the most.  Wow, wow, wow, wh...
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  • 23/03/15

    Term 5 Sports Club Sign-up Form

    Please click here to sign up for sports clubs for term 5 using our online sign-up form.
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  • 20/03/15

    What's on next week @Upton

    Please click this link to access our weekly feature 'what's on next week @Upton'
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  • 20/03/15

    Don't forget it's Hot Chocolate Friday!!

    It's that time of the week already!! The week has flown by in supersonic speed!! Don't forget it's Hot Chocolate Friday!!
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  • 20/03/15

    Disco Disco Disco!!! Don't forget to get your tickets!

    We are so excited about our upcoming event on Friday 27th March: The School Disco. Please click this link for more information...
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  • 13/03/15

    What's on next week@Upton

    Please click this link to access our weekly feature 'What's on next week @Upton'
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  • 11/03/15


    We are holding our Mega Disco on Friday 27th March, please click this link to access the letters emailed home today. Paper copies can be found in the carousels housed in our school foyer.
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  • 10/03/15

    Upton are finalists!!!!

    Upton have reached the finals in the Pupil Premium awards!! Please click this link to read more....
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  • 06/03/15

    What's on next week @Upton?

    Please click this link to access our weekly feature 'what's on next week @Upton?'
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  • 03/03/15

    Year 6 SATs Awareness Meeting PowerPoint Presentation

    Thank you very much to those parents who attended our Year 6 SATs Awareness Evening last night (Monday 2nd March).  If you were unable to attend or you would like a refresher on the information presented please click this link to access a copy of the SATs Awareness Evening PowerP...
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Contact Us

Upton Junior School
Edge End Road
CT10 2AH

(01843) 861393