School Funding
School Funding information.
School Funding
I am sure that many parents will have seen or heard recent items in the media about the crisis in school funding. Government determination to reduce public expenditure has meant that school budgets have been under pressure for a considerable time. You may well have come across some scary headlines about the effects this had had on some schools.
It is important that you should know about what is happening at Upton. We have just received our budget for next year (2017-2018). This will be the seventh consecutive year in which schools’ funding has not increased to take account of inflationary pressures. The government has indicated that this policy will continue for the remainder of the present Parliament and that schools must cope with increasing costs by making efficiency savings.
Next year the amount of income we receive has been reduced by about £30,000. At the same time we shall be subject to rising costs including increases in employer contributions to pension schemes for staff.
Prudent financial management over the last few years means that we shall not in the near future be in the position of some schools which are being forced to make staff redundant. Parents need to be aware however that governors will be forced to make savings and that while we will do our best to make sure that these have the least possible impact on teaching, they may be forced to take decisions -such as not replacing staff who leave, for instance – which may have effects on the provision we can make for our children.
If you would wish to show your corporate concern about the threats to Upton’s funding do please contact your MP to express your views.
You can do this either by emailing your MP directly or by following this link
There is also an opportunity to discuss any questions you may have with governors on Friday March 17th at 1.30 pm
Robin Curtis
Chair of Governors