Understanding Different Religions
The Buddhist religion and philosophy has been explored by children at Upton Juniors in Broadstairs.
It is part of the school’s aim for pupils to compare and contrast a range of beliefs from around the world to provide a balanced viewpoint.
All year groups took part in workshops guided by volunteers from the Buddhist charity Bodhicharya, a non-profit educational and cultural association based in Rochester.
The initiative was to provide children with a hands-on learning experience and increase their knowledge and understanding of the Buddhist religion by learning about key teachings.
Each workshop included a question-and-answer session where pupils learnt about the four noble truths of the religion and took part in sight and sound meditation.
In their general RE studies Year 3 looked at the story of Buddha and how Buddhism was founded; Year 4 explored the beliefs of Buddhists and which places are special for them; Year 5 examined the four noble truths and the eightfold path; and Year 6 considered the history of Buddhism, British Buddhists living today and the symbols of Buddhism.
Upton’s Religious Education lead Stevie Bunce said: “This exciting visit was part of the National Curriculum and has supplemented the work all the children were doing in their RE lessons.
“Comparative discussions were held on similarities and differences of other religions we have studied this year.”
Head of School Darci Arthur said: “It is important for our pupils to experience differing types religions and philosophies – it enables them to have a broad world view and is part of Upton’s desire to embrace diversity.”
Upton Junior School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Ramsgate Arts Primary and Chilton Primary School, Ramsgate.
For more information contact Head of School Darci Arthur on 01843 861393.