Welcome to this area about the work of the 'local governors' at Upton Junior School.
“Being a school governor or trustee is a challenging but hugely rewarding role. It will give you the chance to make a real difference to young people, give something back to your local community and use and develop your skills in a board-level environment”
National Governors Association (NGA)
What Governors Do?
Governors make a difference. Governors are volunteers who work in partnership with the Head of School and the Leadership Team to ensure that children receive the best education possible. And it is more than having something that looks good on a CV. You have to put some time in. The exact amount of time depends on the particular circumstances of your school. It needn't be daunting and it can be an interesting and rewarding experience.
Governors represent the largest volunteer group in the UK and are selected from a variety of backgrounds to reflect the many interest groups within school.
Click hereto read a letter to parents from Upton's Chair of Governors, Mr Robin Curtis.
Working for the best interests of the children, the school and the wider community
Governors work as a team, in the best interests of the children and the school, to raise educational standards. They make important decisions on policy and strategy and are answerable to parents and the wider community. They help raise the standards and performance of the school by supporting the work of the Head of School and the staff. Local Governors will support and, at the same time, challenge the Head of School by gathering views, asking questions and helping to decide what is best for the school.
Community involvement
More widely, schools are increasingly becoming a focal point in the community they serve. Some open their sports facilities to the community while others offer education and life improving chances for adults. So you could influence community involvement with your school.
Our 'governing body' (LAB) is not a supporters club. Governors are not there to 'rubber stamp' decisions. You have to be prepared to give and take and be loyal to decisions taken by the governing body and Board of Trustees. You may become involved in confidential matters and must respect that confidentiality.
School inspections
When a school is inspected by the Office of Standards in Education (Ofsted), the effectiveness of the school and its governors is taken into account.
Meetings and time as a governor
The LAB meet once a term and to be effective and remain a governor, you should attend.
Time in post
Governors are usually in post for four years and may serve for longer. If you need to give up because your circumstances change, the governors may be sorry to lose you, but will understand.
Please contact the Chair, Head of School or Clerk to the Trust, clerk@vikingacademytrust.com ,if you are interested in being a Local Governor.
To find out more about Governance at Upton and the Viking Academy Trust please click here to visit our Trust website.
We recognise just how vital the role of governors and Trustees have become in raising standards.
There is only one legal entity accountable for all schools within the Multi-Academy Trust (MAT).